In this workshop the focus is on the basics of Dutch labour law and its application. We reflect on the most recent developments in legislation, court decisions and regulations.

You will gain both theoretical and practical insight into the legal aspects of employment relationship and the traditional HR instruments, in which we consider the most recent developments in legislation and regulations and their correct interpretation and application.

We focus on practical solutions that are in alignment with yourself, your values, ambitions and challenges – and those of your organization.

During the workshop, we honour contemporary views on leadership and organizing, with attention to the autonomy of employees and teams and the notions of #puttingpeoplefirst #newleadership.


  • small groups of max 8 participants
  • room for your personal cases and challenges
  • one hour personal intake & advice
  • highest rated workshop for English speaking professionals
  • best lunch in town included


Starting in 2024, prices of individual modules will be € 997 ex VAT. A one hour personal intake (in person or online) is part of your first module / workshop.



The following questions on Dutch labour law & HRM will be addressed in the workshop:

  • What is my role in recruitment & selection, in the collaboration between HR department (if there is one) and management? How do we look at job evaluation and remuneration?
  • What are the do’s and don’ts regarding common clauses such as confidentiality, a non-competition and non-solicitation clause, probation period, etc.?
  • What are the legal ins & outs of the different types of employment contracts, with attention to flexible forms of employment such as temporary, on-call, min-max, temporary agency workers, self-employed workers, etc.?
  • What are the rules and customs regarding holidays, (informal) care leave, (un)paid and emergency leave, etc.? How do I deal with illness & reintegration? How do I deal with industrial conflicts (if they arise)?
  • How do I conduct or supervise the conversation about the performance and behaviour of employees? What is the relationship between wishes and requirements in the field of development, training and improvement processes?
  • What requirements are set for file formation in the event of intended dismissal? What is the role of the manager and the HR department in the (preparation of) dismissal procedures at UWV and subdistrict court judge?
  • What is the role of management and HR in reorganisations? With attention to redeployment obligations, social plan, choice of dismissal, role of seniority and the principle of reflection, etc.
  • What role do management and HR play towards employee participation bodies and/or trade unions?


Start dates (module 1):







max 8 participants

Because we work in small groups of max 8 participants you will cross learn from a diverse set of professionals from different backgrounds and there is plenty of room to discuss your individual cases you bring to the session.


€ 997 (ex. VAT)

Payable in advance and including one hour personal intake & advice, reading materials, lunch, tea/coffee and certificate of achievement.

If your branch, professional or network organization has a cooperation agreement with us, a discount may apply. Indicate this under remarks during registration, stating the organization.


The course was extremely useful – I feel a lot more informed and confident to purse matters in the workplace. I like the approach – not ‘death by powerpoint’! Was never boring. About the trainer: 10/10, very easy to listen to, engaging and relaxed. I like the inclusion of group experience and advice too.

Janine Smith


Really useful course for my work. I work in HR in The Netherlands for a mid-large size company. It really showed me areas we aren’t doing things correctly, and where we can improve.

Jeanie Edwards

Backbase B.V.

I appreciated that the trainer could share his rich experience in Dutch employment law and that we could discuss specific practical examples in a small group of participants.

Kerstin Herzog

Brunswick EMEA

Who should attend?

  • HR Professionals 
  • Business Managers
  • Managers, new to Dutch Labour Law or looking for a refresher


After attending this workshop – with a maximum of eight participants:

  • You will know the basics of Dutch labour law and its application in employment law and regulations.
  • You will also have knowledge of the most current developments.
  • You will know how to apply the above in practice in alignment with yourself, your values, ambitions and challenges – and those of your organization.
  • You will go home with tools for solutions provided by both the trainer/legal expert and the other participants for the cases you brought to the table during the workshop, so you can achieve concrete results.
  • You will receive a ‘Certificate of Achievement’.


Villa Mollerus in Baarn:
Mollerusstraat 1
3473BW Baarn.

Offline workshops are held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Online workshops are also available as a ‘live webinar’.

Meet the trainer

Arthur Hol – Labour lawyer and organisational psychologist, has been an HR manager at Shell and KLM, and is a partner / employment lawyer at De Koning Vergouwen lawyers. He is also a partner of New Ways of Organizing. More information: