One day workshop – Dutch employment law for contemporary management
ONE-DAY WORKSHOP "DUTCH EMPLOYMENT LAW FOR CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT (BASICS)" In this workshop the focus is on the basics of Dutch…
More information and registrationWe offer seven workshops that can be followed as stand-alone one-day workshops, and which together form the the Learning path Dutch labour law and HRM for contemporary management.
As a non-Dutch speaking manager or HR professional based or with activities in the Netherlands you know well what to do in your own field of expertise, but you may experience challenges in the field of Dutch labour law and personnel management in the context of Dutch labour relations. Or you are looking for a ‘refresher’, in view of all the current and coming changes in Dutch labour law and HR practices.
In addition, you and your organization may have started to march towards contemporary views on leadership and organization, with attention to the autonomy of employees and teams and the value of people above that of the system.
At the same time, you have to work with HR instruments and approaches that are sometimes largely based on traditional HR policy. You have to deal with the rules of Dutch labour law and a possibly applicable collective agreement, which often are at least slightly at odds with contemporary approaches – and sometimes even go against them.
You need insights into how you can deploy both traditional and contemporary HR instruments to the challenges for yourself and for your organization. You wish to do this in a small group setting that allows for enough individual attention and where solutions may be provided for the cases that you have.
Develop your knowledge by following the entire suite of seven modules as one learning path, or any of the seven modules as a separate workshop. See below for more details.
Additionally, we offer these three one-day workshops:
We provide the same workshops in Dutch for any Dutch colleagues and friends that might be interested, via open registration and incompany, see for more details.
ONE-DAY WORKSHOP "DUTCH EMPLOYMENT LAW FOR CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT (BASICS)" In this workshop the focus is on the basics of Dutch…
More information and registrationThis learning path consists of seven modules. Each module is a stand-alone workshop and can be followed separately too. There is no prescribed order but starting with module 1 that deals with the basics of Dutch Employment law, is advisable. Your investment for the entire learning path (seven modules) is € 4997 when paid upfront. For each individual module/workshop: € 997 per person. All prices are excl. VAT.
In this workshop the focus is on the basics of Dutch labour law and its application. We reflect on the most recent developments in legislation, court decisions and regulations. You will gain both theoretical and practical insight into the legal aspects of employment relationship and the traditional HR instruments, in which we consider the most recent developments in legislation and regulations and their correct interpretation and application. We focus on practical solutions that are in alignment with yourself, your values, ambitions and challenges - and those of your organization.
More information and registrationIn this workshop we discuss contemporary management philosophies and their practical implementation in the field of HRM. We do this in alignment with your values, ambitions, and challenges – and those of your organisation.
More information and registrationAs a manager you have to deal with sick leave of employees, sometimes with long-term outages. In the Netherlands, the Gatekeeper Improvement Act (Wet Verbetering Poortwachter) will result in a number of, mainly time-dependent, obligations that must be met to prevent any wage sanction from the government agency called UWV.
More information and registrationIn this workshop for managers and HR professionals, we discuss employment law frameworks and practical tips in light of designing 'improvement processes' in the event of alleged non-performance and undesirable behaviour, for example based on a code of conduct, warnings and intervention. We refer to contemporary notions of what it takes to be a good employer and, look at good employment practices. We will discuss approaches and instruments needed for file building. And of course, we also pay attention to the prevention of non-performance and undesirable behaviour. We do this in a way that suits you, your values, ambitions and challenges – and those of your organisation.
More information and registrationMany organizations feel compelled to reorganize, due to financial pressure or for other business reasons. That is a complex job for all involved: management, HR and employees. You have to deal with the rules of Dutch labour law and a possibly applicable collective agreement, which are often "at odds" with contemporary approaches - and sometimes even go square against them.
More information and registrationIn general, employees in the Netherlands have a strong position and a prominent position, fulfilled by the employee participation body. As a manager in an international company based in the Netherlands you may be a director of your organization - and from that position you are automatically dealing with the employee participation body, the Works Council (Ondernemingsraad, OR) or staff representation (Personeelsvertegenwoordiging, Pvt) for whom you are a discussion partner.
More information and registrationIn this workshop we will discuss the diversity of employment contracts from permanent to flexible and the diversity of clauses that can be included in these contracts. Think of zero hours, min-max, permanent and self-employed contracts and probation, non-competition and confidentiality clauses, etcetera. We will also go into the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and tips for the use of contracts and clauses in practice, based on contemporary notions of good employment practices. We will do this in a way that suits you, your values, ambitions and challenges - and - those of your organisation. The entry into force of the "Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions" Act with effect from 1 August 2022, based on a European directive, may be a good reason to critically review the formats you use for permanent and flexible employment contracts and adjust parts.
More information and registrationIn this workshop we will discuss the diversity of employment contracts from permanent to flexible and the diversity of clauses that can be included in these contracts. Think of zero hours, min-max, permanent and self-employed contracts and probation, non-competition and confidentiality clauses, etcetera. We will also go into the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and tips for the use of contracts and clauses in practice, based on contemporary notions of good employment practices. We will do this in a way that suits you, your values, ambitions and challenges - and - those of your organisation. The entry into force of the "Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions" Act with effect from 1 August 2022, based on a European directive, may be a good reason to critically review the formats you use for permanent and flexible employment contracts and adjust parts.
More information and registrationThis learning path consists of seven modules. Each module is a stand-alone workshop and can be followed separately too. There is no prescribed order but starting with module 1 that deals with the basics of Dutch Employment law, is advisable. Your investment for the entire learning path (seven modules) is € 4997 when paid upfront. For each individual module/workshop: € 997 per person. All prices are excl. VAT.
More information and registrationThis workshop focuses on three important HR themes that we see make up three quarters of the daily practice of personnel management in many organizations: performance and behaviour issues, labour conflicts and illness and reintegration. For all sectors, but also specifically for government, healthcare, education and other sectors, also in collaboration with various industry and professional organizations.
More information and registrationIn this workshop you will get an overview of new forms of organizing and new leadership, with a focus on the appropriate HR structures, tools and practices. This course is well suited for (HR) managers or entrepreneurs who strive for new forms of leadership and organization and who want to move towards contemporary and innovative HR management. For all sectors, in collaboration with various industry and professional organizations.
More information and registrationIn this one-day workshop of max. 8 participants we will focus on employment laws in Western European countries, the US and an additional country of your personal choice. This workshop, with its overview of the employment laws of a number of countries that are relevant for yourself and the other participants, equips you to provide the right (HR) leadership and take prudent decisions related to people and management.
More information and registration